All Classes and Interfaces
- please use AbnormalTerminationException
Replacement for CICS ABEND statement
For internal use only
For internal use only
Abstract datatype designed to support COBOL statements such as REDEFINES, COMPUTATIONALS, OCCURS-DEPENDING, precise formatting, POINTERS, ...
Abstract datatype designed to support COBOL statements such as REDEFINES, COMPUTATIONALS, OCCURS-DEPENDING, precise formatting, POINTERS, ...
For internal use only
For internal use only
This class is designed to provide a migration path from SequentialFiles to CSV format.
This interface is representative of ALL SoftwareMining data-types - from DAOs (ISMBean) to fields (ISMInteger, ISMString ...) and Groups (ISMGroup)
Subclasses of this type can talk to either Indexed-Files, or Database tables
Abstract Object-Relational Container - USed for representation KSDS Indexed files.
Abstract Representation of COBOL screen handling.
Caters for VSAM Record invalid input: '&' Line Sequential files.
Providing Sort Capabilities to DataBeans
HashMap Contains
Key: AltkeyName (Unique)
Value: HashMap Key : altKeyValue (Ordered- Duplicated)
Value: primKey__Value
This is the main super class of Business-Logic classes.
This interface is used in idata.beans.*;
The classes implementing this interface should have the same variable, and accessors as the original "idata" classes.
converst between idata.wrapper classes and idata.wrapper.beans.bean classes.
The support for this feature is Incomplete, and needs further inspection on application-by-application basis.
For internal use only
This class is created purely for overcoming COBOL arrayIndexOutOfBound problems.
This class is created purely for overcoming COBOL arrayIndexOutOfBound problems.
For internal use only
This class is created purely for overcoming COBOL arrayIndexOutOfBound problems.
This class is created purely for overcoming COBOL arrayIndexOutOfBound problems.
BMS Screens must have auto generated and/or user defined or (in screendata or userscreen packages respectively).
BMS Screens must have auto generated and/or user defined or (in screendata or userscreen packages respectively).
BMS screen define fields which are one of three types:
length field
Flag/Attribute field
Main field (BMSField) - this is where the actual data resides
Used when OCCURS-DEPENING boundry is violated in SequentialFiles.
for internal use only
Cached table is for Reference Data only.
Cached table is for Reference Data only.
for each 01 Level field there will be a single CBLBean.
For internal use only
This class is created purely for overcoming COBOL arrayIndexOutOfBound problems.
This class is created purely for overcoming COBOL arrayIndexOutOfBound problems.
For internal use only
This class is created purely for overcoming COBOL arrayIndexOutOfBound problems.
This class is created purely for overcoming COBOL arrayIndexOutOfBound problems.
Representation of COBOL Boolean
data type for representation of COBOL decimal formats.
utilities used internally by SoftwareMining framework
representation of FILLER fields.
Representation of a COBOL Group Item.
representation of COBOL INITIALIZE statements
The INSPECT statement can be used to tally the number of occurrences of specific character strings,
to replace characters by other characters, or to convert from one set of characters to another.
data type for representation of COBOL numerical formats.
data type for representation of COBOL numerical formats.
Data Type used for emulation of COBOL Pointer fields.
data type for representation of COBOL String formats.
StringProcessor replicates COBOL's STRING statements.
Translation or COBOL UNSTRING command (analogous to Java String.split method)
NOTES: In absence of delimiter, the system will SPLIT the input-value by size between the Result fields I.e.
NOTES: In absence of delimiter, the system will SPLIT the input-value by size between the Result fields I.e.
this is a subclass of ACMDate.
Cics Response codes.
Project-wide configuration facility, which uses property file placed somewhere within CLASSPATH.
- please use CicsCodes.
Super-class for all other data-objects.
It specifies that alphabetic and special characters are removed from an EBCDIC data field, and the remaining digits right-aligned and padded to the left with zeros as necessary.
It specifies that alphabetic and special characters are removed from an EBCDIC data field, and the remaining digits right-aligned and padded to the left with zeros as necessary.
This class is the super class of data-items accessed by CICS IO operations.
This class is the super class of data-items accessed by CICS IO operations
This class is the super class of data-items accesed by CICS IO operations
Used Internally by SoftwareMining framework
Responsible for managing load of classes
Utility class used internally by SoftwareMining framework to duplicate some
COBOL String functionality
Project-wide configuration facility, which uses property file placed somewhere within CLASSPATH.
Used by the framework to read db connection url, credentials and various other settings from file
Superclass of controlling exception hierarchy
For use in translation of CICS DEFINE/ GET COUNTER
This class can be extended to provide client specific encryption/decryption.
This class convert COBOL sequential data-files to Comma-Separated-Values (CSV) format.
this is a subclass of ACMDate.
Provides DB2 date functions which can be used instead of making an expensive call to DB2 merely for its date/time handling features
DB2 Specific Features
CopyRight: SoftwareMining
database Specific Features
Simple utility to do a comparison between file.
Project-wide configuration facility, which uses property file placed somewhere within CLASSPATH.
EBCDIC To ASCII Data Migration utility class
LIMITATION: May not work on classes which have complicated REDEFINIONS.
LIMITATION: May not work on classes which have complicated REDEFINIONS.
Common interface, introduced for ScreenDefHandler expandability.
for representation of Report entry field such as:
Note that there is no field called "CTL_AGENT_TOTAL" - It is another report line defined as:
the 2nd line is kept here as reportEntry.
Embedded-SQL BaseService - supporting business logic part of programs with Embedded-SQL
This class provides emulation of COBOL's EXEC SQL statement and cursor operations.
Event are posted using
Event are posted using
Instance of this serializable object should be created and sent to
screen-server side in case of exception on program-logic side
This annotation is used in Programs where GOTO's have not been entirely removed.
This class provides equivalent functionality to JCL's IDCAMS command,
It will generate a sequential (or line sequential) file for a VSAM KSDS structures which have already been translated to an Object-Relational class
(ie subclasses of SQLWrapper, CICSPersistence, ILEPersistence ...
for representation of Report entry defining a sum-field such as - sum="WS_LIABILITY" in following
contains utility methods used internally by SoftwareMining framework
This class is used by Object-Relational Translation of VSAM Indexed files.
GDG Utility to support VSAM Sequential files.
This interface is implemented by all business logic classes : BaseService, CicsBaseService, ILEBaseService ...
IMS-DB Applications will require a manual implementation of this Interface.
Project-wide configuration facility, which uses property file placed somewhere within CLASSPATH.
Default implementation of com.softwaremining.vendors.dli.IImsDbAccessor.
TODO To change the template for this generated type comment go to Window -
Preferences - Java - Code Style - Code Templates
For internal use only
responsible for starting, shutting down and retrieving references to transaction processor
for an application.
IOCriticalException - Althgouth these are critical - they may not cause the system to stop.
fatal exceptions are used for STOPPING the system
representation of I/O PCB
this class contains a set of constants which are used through out the Persistent layers.
This interface is used in translation of CICS TSQ API.
Common interface for communicating between program logic
and screen server implementation
This interface outlines the security functions used internally by SoftwareMining CICS Libraries.
For internal use only
representation of DAO beans - CBLBean, CBLBean, AbstractContainerBean ...
This interface is representative of ALL SoftwareMining data-types - from DAOs (ISMBean) to fields (ISMInteger, ISMString ...) and Groups (ISMGroup)
This is top level interface for both COBOL variables and constants.
Interface for Object-Relational classes talking to a database
this class is used internally to generate HTML/JSP screens using
screens/file.xml and screens/jsp/xxx_yyy.jsp definitions
screens/file.xml and screens/jsp/xxx_yyy.jsp definitions
Implementation of "HttpSessionBindingListener" for use on JSP Screens
Causes an object to be notified when it is bound to or unbound from a session.
// * @ deprecated
please use com.softwaremining.vendors.cics.ui.Keyboard
Used for Hierarchical tables definitions such as IMS and DMS
Factory for creating Log helpers.
Mutable String class - simple container for Strings
Mutable Double class
representation of FILLER fields.
Mutable Integer class
Mutable Long class
Interface for MQ-SERIES implementation.
MQManager has the responsibility to provide access to a user defined MQImplementation.
Mutable String class - simple container for Strings
Used for representation of COMP_MODE_COMP
Used for representation of 'COMP_X'
Used for COMP_MODE_DISPLAY and NON comp variables.
representation of a class for DISPLAY with SIGN LEADING (not separate)
representation of a class for DISPLAY with SIGN SEPARATE
representation of a class for DISPLAY with SIGN SEPARATE TRAILING
representation of a class for DISPLAY with SIGN TRAILING
Used for representation of DOUBLE PERCISION COMP_1 and COMP_2 variables.
Used for representation of COMP_2 and COMP_4 variables.
FOrmat Representations for COMP_3 (As defined in ACMField.COMP_MODE_COMP_3
Used in DMS OpenFile
for internal use only.
ordered map
Used by JCL modules to parse JCL formats
this Factory class provides Instantiation of CICS programs using Transaction IDS or Program-Names.
This class facilitates populating a database table using a translated class and a data-file
It can also perform EBCDIC to ASCI conversion .
Representation of CICS POST EVENT
Event are posted using
Event are posted using
Provides profiling information for SoftwareMining libraries.
Implementation of program exception, used to indicate
program end (EXIT PROGRAM).
Implementation of program exception, used to indicate
program termination (STOP RUN).
Implementation of program exception, used to indicate
program termination (STOP RUN).
Tells the system that program has been set-up in Wait mode ...
- please use TSQueueManager
For use by TSQ QueueManager.
Serializable representation of quit request, which is used
to trnsmit quit request from program logic to screen server.
RangeItem class duplicates the functionality of COBOL 88 type variables.
Implementation of program exception, used to indicate
redirection (GO TO)
Used in ThreadManager
Contains a List of NON-KEY fields in a class
Implementation of "HttpSessionBindingListener"
Causes an object to be notified when it is bound to or unbound from a session.
This class is used by program logic to communicate with standalone
screen server through network socket
This class encapsulates information, containing within
tag of XML screen definition.
Common interface, introduced for ScreenDefHandler expandability.
Screen server side interface to Application.
Contains utility methods used internally by SoftwareMining framework
for internal use only
Caters for VSAM Record invalid input: '&' Line Sequential files.
This is a simplified/faster version of SequentialFile .
Manages Creation and Cancellation of programs using Factory pattern.
for internal use only
this class represents a simplefied version of java.text.DecimalFormat;
It does not provide any support for negative formats (System does not use it),
It only supports '#', '0' and '.' in the pattern - e.g.
For internal use only
Allows launching of individual programs (Sub-classes of BaseService).
SoftwareMining's implementation of basic CICS RACF functionality.
Wrapper around java java.text.SimpleDateFormat
- please use SMLauncher
Allows launching of individual programs (Sub-classes of BaseService).
Allows launching of individual programs (Sub-classes of BaseService).
This Class provides a function similar to the SORT function accessible from JCL scripts.
The SpoolManager writes files out to a directory defined by Config.PRINT_DIR (defaults to DATA_DIR).
The SpoolManager writes files out to a directory defined by Config.PRINT_DIR (defaults to DATA_DIR).
A series of static methods for dynamically building SQL statements ...
Class used internally by SoftwareMining framework to load "optional" configuration file
This provides a map of return-codes from original database to a new Database.
The purpose is to help database migrations for applications using EXEC SQL (ESQL) form of database access.
This provides a map of return-codes from original database to a new Database.
The purpose is to help database migrations for applications using EXEC SQL (ESQL) form of database access.
Used for executing SQL statements
SQL Utlities
Abstract Object-Relational Container - USed for representation KSDS Indexed files.
Provides operating-system utilities
For internal-use by QueueManagerImpl (TSQ Replacement).
Simple screen server implementation, using STDIN/STDOUT as
client interface.
Used in translation of CICS START/RETRIEVE commands.
Extends the abstract class "SocketScreenServer".
Softwaremining's equivalent implementation of CICS TSQ .
This interface is used in translation of COBOL TemporaryStorage API.
TSQueueManager class - Provides functionality equivalent to to CICS TSQ.
Software Mining implementation of QueueStorage.
EBCDIC To ASCII Data Migration utility class
LIMITATION: When dealing with classes which have fields REDEFINED,
then the system will only act on the FIRST FIELD.
UNLOCK releases the exclusive control established in response to a read command with the UPDATE option.
Project-wide configuration facility, which uses property file placed somewhere within CLASSPATH.
Project-wide configuration facility, which uses property file placed somewhere within CLASSPATH.
Virtual Group - currently only used for definition of Unisys DMS-II SUBSETs
Representation of CICS WAIT EVENT
Event are posted using
Event are posted using
this class is used internally to generate HTML/JSP screens using screens/file.xml definitions
This is helper, designed for reading of XML screen definition from the
resources and parsing.
Implementation of "HttpSessionBindingListener" for use on XSLT Screens
Causes an object to be notified when it is bound to or unbound from a session.
customisation of javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet to use XML screens