Class CicsFormatUtility

Record Components:
inputString -

public class CicsFormatUtility extends Object
It specifies that alphabetic and special characters are removed from an EBCDIC data field, and the remaining digits right-aligned and padded to the left with zeros as necessary. If the field ends with a minus sign or a carriage-return (CR), a negative zone (X'D') is placed in the rightmost (low-order) byte. If the zone portion of the rightmost byte contains one of the characters X'A' through X'F', and the numeric portion contains one of the hexadecimal digits X'0' through X'9', the rightmost byte is returned unaltered (see the example). This permits the application program to operate on a zoned numeric field. The returned value is in the field that initially contained the unedited data. A 1 byte field is returned unaltered, no matter what the field contains.
  • Constructor Details

    • CicsFormatUtility

      public CicsFormatUtility()
  • Method Details

    • removeAlphaChars

      public static String removeAlphaChars(AbstractDataObject inputField, int length)
      Support for EXEC CICS BIF DEEDIT
      Removes all alphanumeric chars - e.g. "2.00 ", "$200 " and "AB20.0" are converted to "000200"
      For more info please see class documentation
    • removeAlphaChars

      public static String removeAlphaChars(String inputString, int length)
      Support for EXEC CICS BIF DEEDIT
      Removes all alphanumeric chars - e.g. "2.00 ", "$200 " and "AB20.0" are converted to "000200"
      For more info please see class documentation
    • removeAlphaChars

      public static String removeAlphaChars(String inputString)
      Support for EXEC CICS BIF DEEDIT
      Removes all alphanumeric chars - e.g. "2.00 ", "$200 " and "AB20.0" are converted to "000200"
      For more info please see class documentation