Interface ISMBean

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractBasePersistence, AbstractContainerBean, AbstractCSVFile, AbstractFile, AbstractIndexedFile, AbstractORContainer, AbstractSequentialFile, AbstractSequentialMappedFile, AbstractSortBean, AbstractSSABean, BMSScreenBean, BMSScreenInputBean, BMSScreenOutputBean, CachedIndexedFile, CachedSQLWrapper, CAIdealWrapper, CBLBean, CicsIndexedFile, CicsPersistence, CicsSequential, CommonWorkArea, Db400, Db400Container, Db400Sequential, DBMSWrapper, Dfhaid, DfhMessageTable, DMSWrapper, Eibaid, IDS2Wrapper, ILEReport, ILEScreen, ImsDbSegment, IndexedFile, IndexedFileSingleProcess, LinkedSQLWrapper, PCBDatabase, PCBModifiable, PCBScreen, QSAMFile, QueueRecord, RelativeFile, ScratchPadArea, SequentialFile, SequentialNIOFile, SequentialVariableMappedFile, SQLWrapper, SSABean, TransactionWorkArea, TSQueueStorageImpl

public interface ISMBean
For internal use only representation of DAO beans - CBLBean, CBLBean, AbstractContainerBean ...
  • Method Details

    • retrieveField

      ISMObject retrieveField(int fieldNum)
      For internal use only
      fieldNum -
    • retrieveField

      ISMObject retrieveField(String fieldName)
      For internal use only
      fieldName -
    • releaseResources

      void releaseResources(boolean forceRelease)
      For internal use only - memory management stuff
      forceRelease -
    • assignValue

      void assignValue(String newValue)
      Assign a value to this DA (CBL type implementations will take care of REDEFINITIONS, OCCURS DEPENDING, Packed=Decimal fields, ...)
    • retrieveActualLength

      int retrieveActualLength()
      returns the size of the Stringified representation of the DAO, ie concatenation of DAO fields sizes The result is COBOL compliant - ie Packed-Decimal Fields will be contain the same binay information as COBOL.
    • retrieveAsString

      String retrieveAsString()
      returns the Stringified representation of the DAO - concatenation of DAO fields according to the declared fields sizes. The result is COBOL compliant - ie Packed-Decimal Fields will be contain the same binay information as COBOL.
    • stringValue

      String stringValue()
      returns the Stringified representation of the DAO - concatenation of DAO fields according to the declared fields sizes. The result is COBOL compliant - ie Packed-Decimal Fields will be contain the same binay information as COBOL.
    • retrieveValue

      String retrieveValue()
      Same as retrieveAsString - returns the Stringified representation of the DAO - concatenation of DAO fields according to the declared fields sizes. The result is COBOL compliant - ie Packed-Decimal Fields will be contain the same binay information as COBOL.
    • retrieveTopLevelField

      ISMObject retrieveTopLevelField()
      DAO classes need to have one (and only one) field / group.
      this methods retrieves the top level field / group
    • initialize

      void initialize()
      Equivalent of COBOL's INITIALIZE statement
    • resetStructure

      void resetStructure(boolean resetDAOInitialValues)
    • assignSessionId

      void assignSessionId(Long sessionId)
      For internal use only
    • retrieveSessionId

      Long retrieveSessionId()
      For internal use only
    • assignExemptFromMemRelease

      void assignExemptFromMemRelease(boolean exempt)
    • isExemptFromMemRelease

      boolean isExemptFromMemRelease()
    • isResourceAlreadyReleased

      boolean isResourceAlreadyReleased()