Class JSPScreen

Direct Known Subclasses:

public class JSPScreen extends AbstractScreen
this class is used internally to generate HTML/JSP screens using
screens/file.xml and screens/jsp/xxx_yyy.jsp definitions
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • JSPScreen

      public JSPScreen()
  • Method Details

    • generateHtml

      public void generateHtml(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response)
      Specified by:
      generateHtml in class AbstractScreen
    • buildFromScreenRequest

      public void buildFromScreenRequest(DisplayRequest displayRequest)
      for internal use only
      Specified by:
      buildFromScreenRequest in class AbstractScreen
    • processAcceptResponse

      public void processAcceptResponse(AcceptResponse acceptResponse)
      for internal use only
      Specified by:
      processAcceptResponse in class AbstractScreen
    • clearScreen

      public void clearScreen()
      Specified by:
      clearScreen in class AbstractScreen
    • renderInput

      public String renderInput(String paramName)
      for use within JSP files - returns formatted input field .
      E.g. renderInput("VARIABLE-1") will return <input name="VARIABL-1" size=12 value="value of variable" >
      includes style/class attribute - e.g class="bright" when field has been marked as bright/highlight/...
      paramName - - name of the field to be displayed
    • renderCheckbox

      public String renderCheckbox(String paramName, String checkedValue)
      For use within JSP files - returns the field formatted as a checkbox. Note: the JSP has to be modified with SMScreenDesigner - and the field must have been marked as a CheckBox
      paramName - - name of the field to be displayed
      checkedValue -
    • renderRadio

      public String renderRadio(String paramName, String checkedValue)
      For use within JSP files - returns the field formatted as a radio button. Note: the JSP has to be modified with SMScreenDesigner - and the field must have been marked as a radio
      paramName - - name of the field to be displayed
      checkedValue -
    • renderDropDown

      public String renderDropDown(String paramName, String[][] values)
      For use within JSP files - returns the field formatted as a radio button. Note: the JSP has to be modified with SMScreenDesigner - and the field must have been marked as a DropDown
      paramName - - name of the field to be displayed
      values - - one of the existing drop-down values
    • renderFunctionKeys

      public static String renderFunctionKeys()
      Display function keys at the bottom of the screen.
      By default the system will display two rows of function keys. The display of the 2nd row can be supporessed using the property ONLY_DISPLAY_PF_KEYS_1_TO_12 in file
    • renderFinalization

      public String renderFinalization()
      cleans up and generates hidden _SET_FOCUS_ field