Class SMSecurityManager

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class SMSecurityManager extends Object implements ISecurityManager
SoftwareMining's implementation of basic CICS RACF functionality.
To enable Add/uncomment the following in :

The implementation loads the list of users their roles from SMSecurityManager.xml file.
Typical configuration is:
 <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
   <role rolename="role-db-ALL" tables="*" db-priveleges="*" /> <!-- * privileges means all "*" (CRUD) -->
   <role rolename="role-db-readOnly" tables="TABLE-1,TABLE-2" db-priveleges="R"/> <!-- "C"reate,  "R"ead, "W"rite , "D"elete-->
   <role rolename="role-transID-ALL" transids="*"/>  <!-- * means all transactions -->
   <role rolename="role-transID-2" transids="MENU, TR01, TR02"/> <!-- transactions listed in -->
   <user username="user1" password="pass1" roles="role-transID-ALL,role-db-ALL"/>
   <user username="user2" password="pass2" roles="role-transID-2,role-db-readOnly,"/>
When a security is enabled, system will first validate users by via login.jsp (supplied by SoftwareMining). The system can then provide the following types security checks:
a. Validates user/password against list in SMSecurityManager.xml
b. Does the user has access to a role with access to a transaction (screen), See attribute * transids in element <role>
c. Does the user has DB access. See attribute tables and db-priveleges in element <role>