Class SequentialNIOFile

All Implemented Interfaces:
IPersistence, AbstractDataObject, ICBLBeanNGroup, ICBLContainer, IFieldContainer, ISMBean, ISMDataType
Direct Known Subclasses:
AbstractCSVFile, CachedIndexedFile, CicsSequential

public abstract class SequentialNIOFile extends AbstractSequentialFile
This is a simplified/faster version of SequentialFile .
(See SequentialFile documentation for more detail description of the functionality). For every read/write, the SequentialFile re-positions an internal . SequentialFile class utilises an instance of randomAccessFile class. This allows the system to UPDATE records written in middle of a data-file. However, where this functionality is not required, the continuous re-calculation and repositioning read /write position has huge performance implications.
Therefore a new class SequentialNIOFile has been introduced which whilst does not offer "deleteRecod" and "UpdateRecord" functionality, have a significant higher Read and Insert performance.