Class GDGVersion


public class GDGVersion extends Object
GDG Utility to support VSAM Sequential files. It supports file renaming operations such as Catalog / UnCatalog Used to reduce version numbers from ALL gdg files e.g.
 java com.softwaremining.util.GDGVersion -reduceVersion file=C:/data-files/ABC(+1) 
Assuming the directory C:/data-files/ contains
 ABC(-3) will be renamed to to ABC__$DATETIMESTAMP$
 ABC(-2)  renamed to ABC(-3)
 ABC(-1)  renamed to ABC(-2)
 ABC(0)   renamed to ABC(-1)
 ABC(+1)  renamed to ABC(0)
 ABC(+2)   unchanged  since the initial specified filename started with version +1 - ie ABC(+1) 
 ABC(+3)   unchanged  since the initial specified filename started with version +1 - ie ABC(+1) 
  • Method Details

    • main

      public static void main(String[] args)
      main entry.
    • reduceVersionNumber

      public static void reduceVersionNumber(String fullPathAndfileName)
      main routine
      fullPathAndfileName -
    • createNextVersionedName

      public static String createNextVersionedName(String fileName, boolean increaseVersion)
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object