Class NumericFormatPackedDecimal

public final class NumericFormatPackedDecimal extends NumericFormatCompressed
FOrmat Representations for COMP_3 (As defined in ACMField.COMP_MODE_COMP_3
  • Method Details

    • calculateFormattedCellSize

      public final int calculateFormattedCellSize()
    • convertFromDisplayToStorage

      public final String convertFromDisplayToStorage(double value, boolean[] sizeError)
      format a value according to the PIC definition
      convertFromDisplayToStorage in class NumericFormatCompressed
    • convertFromDisplayToStorage

      public final String convertFromDisplayToStorage(BigDecimal value, boolean[] sizeError)
      format a value according to the PIC definition
      convertFromDisplayToStorage in class NumericFormatCompressed
    • convertFromDisplayToStorage

      public final String convertFromDisplayToStorage(BigInteger value, boolean[] sizeError)
      format a value according to the PIC definition
      convertFromDisplayToStorage in class NumericFormatCompressed
    • convertFromDisplayToStorage

      public final String convertFromDisplayToStorage(String _value, boolean[] sizeError)
      format a value according to the PIC definition
      convertFromDisplayToStorage in class NumericFormatCompressed
    • convertFromStorageToDisplayFormatOld

      public final String convertFromStorageToDisplayFormatOld(String formattedString, boolean cutLeft)
      formatted string is typically a binary value eg. (chars {17, 44)) .. which in hex is {11,2c}, means decimal number 112C - where 'C' represent the sign
      formattedString -
      cutLeft -
    • convertFromStorageToDisplayFormat

      public final String convertFromStorageToDisplayFormat(String formattedString)
      Specified by:
      convertFromStorageToDisplayFormat in class Format
    • convertFromCompressedStorageToDisplayFormat

      public final String convertFromCompressedStorageToDisplayFormat(String formattedString)
      Description copied from class: NumericFormatCompressed
      Convert from Storage-Compressed to Display This methods returns the actual stored value, even it is bigger than the defined format.
      E.g. PIC 9(2) COMP can store a value of 30000 ! This method will return "30000", but convertFromStorageToDisplayFormat will return "30".
      Specified by:
      convertFromCompressedStorageToDisplayFormat in class NumericFormatCompressed
      formattedString -
    • formatHelper

      protected final String formatHelper(long value, boolean isNegative)