Class Db400

All Implemented Interfaces:
IPersistence, ISQLWrapper, IDb400, AbstractDataObject, ICBLBeanNGroup, ICBLContainer, IFieldContainer, ISMBean, ISMDataType
Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class Db400 extends SQLWrapper implements IDb400
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • retrieveNativeKeys

      public ISMObject[] retrieveNativeKeys()
      Description copied from class: SQLWrapper
      Native Keys refer to either a. any keys set by setRecordKey b. in absence of any keys defined by setRecordKey, then an additional index keys is created by SoftwareMining framework. (This is usually called INDX_FLD_0;)
      Specified by:
      retrieveNativeKeys in interface ISQLWrapper
      retrieveNativeKeys in class SQLWrapper
    • addRecordKeyField

      public void addRecordKeyField(AbstractCBLField field)
    • priorRecord

      public void priorRecord()
    • first

      public void first()
    • firstRecord

      public void firstRecord() throws IOCriticalException
      Specified by:
      firstRecord in interface IDb400
    • last

      public void last()
    • lastRecord

      public void lastRecord() throws IOCriticalException
      Specified by:
      lastRecord in interface IDb400
    • assignLegacyFileNames

      protected void assignLegacyFileNames(String[] legacyFileNames)
      This is for benefit of CL. Before running the program, the CL can tell the system to swap one file-name with another (from this list). Note the fileNames would have referred to table-names or VIEWS-names. I.e the system wants to replace a TABLE/VIEW-NAME (from this list) with another TABLE/VIEW-NAME - without specifying which DB400 class actually references it. Therefore this class provides a means for identifying which Db400 class was referencing the original Table/View name.
      fileNames -
    • referencesLegacyFile

      public boolean referencesLegacyFile(String fileName)
      This is for benefit of CL. Before running the program, the CL can tell the system to swap one file-name with another (from this list). Note the fileNames would have referred to table-names or VIEWS-names. I.e the system wants to replace a TABLE/VIEW-NAME (from this list) with another TABLE/VIEW-NAME - without specifying which DB400 class actually references it. Therefore this class provides a means for identifying which Db400 class was referencing the original Table/View name.
      Specified by:
      referencesLegacyFile in interface IDb400
      fileNames -