Class CSVConvertor


public class CSVConvertor extends Object
This class convert COBOL sequential data-files to Comma-Separated-Values (CSV) format. It requires a SoftwareMining generated Data-Access-Object (DAO) to tell it about the fields, their sizes types. In this process the utility applies the following conversion.
  • Packed-Decimals fields will be converted to their numeric values
  • String/Character fields will be trimmed
In default operations, the system does not allow DAO's containing REDEFINES operatives. Please use excludeFields or excludeFields for DAO's with to list the required fields for REDEFINES.
   Usage: java com.softwaremining.jcl.CSVConvertor full-ClassName input-filename output-filename [REC-SEQ-INPUT] [-includeFields=...] [-excludeFields=...]
full-ClassName or record-definition e.g. com.myapp.idata.TestWrapper or (11,2,PD,24,8,CH)
input-filename e.g. ../data/input-record.txt
output-filename e.g. ../data/output-record.csv
[OPTIONAL] REC-SEQ-INPUT (-deprecated. Please use -inputFileIsRecordSeq below) : Tells the system INPUT record is Record-Sequential, Ie it records are not separated by CR/LF characters, but are on one continuous line
[OPTIONAL] -inputFileIsRecordSeq=true of false: true tells the system INPUT record is Record-Sequential, Ie it records are not separated by CR/LF characters, but are on one continuous line
[OPTIONAL] -GRP_SELECTOR=(pos,length,condType,condValue,GRP_NAME,AND/OR, ...) e.g. (1,1,EQ,A,GRP_1,OR,1,1,EQ,X'F3',GRP_2)"
[OPTIONAL] -includeFields=FIELD_1,FIELD_2,...
[OPTIONAL] -excludeFields=FIELD_1,FIELD_2,...

NOTES: Does not support REDEFINIONS or ARRAY-Fields
includeFields and excludeFields : use the quoted field-names from the DAO
includeFields and excludeFields - can be used with DOA's containing REDEFINES .
Notes on GRP_SELECTOR: useful when the record contains REDEFINES. It allows specifying conditions where each REDEFINE group can be applied.
For GRP_NAME use the quoted field-names from SoftwareMining generated DAO
E.g: 1,1,EQ,A,GRP_1 means when first character equals "A" then use GRP_1
and 1,1,EQ,X'F3',GRP_2 means when first character equals 0xF3 then use GRP_2
  • Constructor Details

    • CSVConvertor

      public CSVConvertor()
  • Method Details

    • main

      public static void main(String[] args)