Package com.softwaremining.util
package com.softwaremining.util
ClassDescriptionfor internal use onlyutilities used internally by SoftwareMining frameworkrepresentation of COBOL INITIALIZE statementsStringProcessor replicates COBOL's STRING statements.Translation or COBOL UNSTRING command (analogous to Java String.split method)
NOTES: In absence of delimiter, the system will SPLIT the input-value by size between the Result fields I.e.this is a subclass of ACMDate.Utility class used internally by SoftwareMining framework to duplicate some COBOL String functionalityThis class can be extended to provide client specific encryption/decryption.this is a subclass of ACMDate.Provides DB2 date functions which can be used instead of making an expensive call to DB2 merely for its date/time handling featuresThis class is used by Object-Relational Translation of VSAM Indexed files.GDG Utility to support VSAM Sequential files.TODO To change the template for this generated type comment go to Window - Preferences - Java - Code Style - Code Templatesordered mapProvides profiling information for SoftwareMining libraries.RangeItem class duplicates the functionality of COBOL 88 type variables.Contains utility methods used internally by SoftwareMining frameworkProvides operating-system utilities